At the same time, the bright and expressive purple and lilac manicure becomes a noticeable accent in the image, even if the pink color is used only in nail design. From delicate lavender to dark “aubergine”, the variety of shades of purple and lilac inspire a wide variety of nail...
Beat the boredom of the long autumn evenings and rainy weekends by working on your freehand nail art skills! Freehand takes a lot of time and effort, but in the end, your beautiful nails will be worth all the work. To help you to get inspired, today I’m sharing some...
No мatter how aмazing the fact is, Ƅut not only eyes, face, gestures and pace, Ƅut alмost any detail of the appearance, eʋen nails, can define nature and мood of alмost eʋery representatiʋe of the gentle . By the way, the latter expresses a feмinine essence no worse than a...
Sage green nails designs are perfect for when you want something a little different than your usual go-to colors, but you don’t want to veer too far off course. It’s the best way to add a pop of color to your nails without being too over-the-top, especially since has some...